FANDOM (n.)- everyone who loves Korean pop culture, all in one big sometimes loving group, or divided into individual artist’s fan groups.

FANBOY/ FANGIRL (n./v.)- someone who is passionate about K-pop or K-drama, and experiences intense feels over his/her bias or favorite group. As a verb, fanboying/fangirling is the action of spazzing out over your bias or favorite group.

FAN FICTION (n.)- when fans channel their inner creative writer and create fictional tales starring their favorite Idols and actors. Fan fictions usually involve romance and sometimes erotic or even weird and creepy story lines, and can even take on a life of their own. 

FAN SERVICE(n.)- an act carried out by idols or actors to please/entertain the audience, even though not actually relevant to their performance. Examples: Display of shirtless performances or shower scenes in Kdramas that add nothing whatsoever to the plot, but please and entertain audiences.

FEELS (n.)- intense emotions that overcome you when watching K-dramas or K-pop MVs, sometimes causing crying or screaming. Sometimes blamed for crazy actions committed by rabid fans.

FLOWER BOY(n.)- a male person who is considered feminine, but attractive.

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