It’s been a while, let’s talk

vixx4_LITo anyone who regularly visits this blog, which I seriously doubt because why would anyone do that my writing skills boarder amateur and illiterate at times. (I can’t spell and commas are my archnemesis from the time they were first introduced in English class.) But, if for some reason you are someone who overlooks my flaws as a writer and chooses to revisit my blog on more than one occasion, then some (probably just one) of you out there may realize that it’s been over a year since I last posted anything (*insert a loud accusatory gasp here*). I know, how dare I come and post again after such a long hiatus?

Now, I could give many excuses for why I haven’t posted for a year and two months (or a year and three months I can’t actually remember which one it is). I could talk about how my class kept me extremely busy and I hardly had time to sleep, which is true social statistics was a beast and so was Chinese history, but that’s not a good enough reason and only covers mid-September through early April. Where was I June through August or mid-April through July? Honestly, I don’t know. Last week was a little hectic (the details aren’t important just know last week was the only week that I actually had anything going on in my life). No matter what reason I come up with for why I haven’t posted anything in over a year an excuse is only an excuse and it really doesn’t mean much. So if anyone out there was actually anticipating my next post, I apologize.


I’ve gone through and adjusted the videos page. Before I just had thumbnails that linked to individual videos, and on Youtube sometimes videos get removed after a while. And, I’ve actually had a Youtube account for quite a while that’s sole purpose was having playlists for this blog. But, I just kept adding to the playlists on my personal account instead. So, yesterday I transferred a fair bit from my personal account to the one for this blog and started adding links to the playlist on the video page. (I hope everyone enjoys those, and I clearly am nowhere near finished transferring and adding all of my playlists and separate videos that I want to, but I hope to do that over time.)


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